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About Us


We are a registered Non Profit charitable organization with limited liability. Our offices are premised in the United States of America and the Republic of Kenya. We have IRS 501(c) tax exempt status. The law governing us is rooted in our Constitution and the Bye-Laws as agreed upon by our membership and as mandated by the municipal laws of USA and Kenya.


Achieve high quality of life for all Hamisi Community residents in Kenya.


To alleviate poverty from Hamisi Community through projects/programs that meet the local needs and are community driven, participatory in nature with gender valuation. We seek to bring sustainable development by empowering the community with appropriate skills and resources to own and run the development agenda in Hamisi. We work very closely with vulnerable groups in the community such as women, the youth and those affected and or infected with HIV / AIDS, Malaria, infectious and tropical diseases.



The Hamisi People in Diaspora (USA in particular) established The Hamisi Community Development Fund, Inc (HACODEFU) in 2010 to identify and take stock/action on problems the Fund could uniquely influence through their experience on the ground (at home in Hamisi Kenya) and as stitched in their global knowledge. HACODEFU works out to strengthen the capacity of individuals in Hamisi District of Kenya to alleviate poverty by strengthening their economic development, improve health, agriculture, education, Democracy, and governance and protect the environment. The Fund targets its success through initiates of change by fostering partnerships among governments, businesses, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and private citizens. It focuses these collaborations to develop programs that leverage the expertise, resources, and passions of all sectors and turn good intentions into measurable results. The members identify their common problem they want to solve, assure themselves that what they are about to do is one of the ways to solve the problem.

HACODEFU is echoed as a strategy for poverty reduction and improving members’ livelihoods through various interventions. Interventions like input provision, agricultural advisory services, market access, bulk inputs purchases and access to credit are the major drivers for forming HACODEFU. Our goal and approach is capacity building and advocacy programs through Community and farmer empowerment by training stakeholders in various demand-driven aspects of improved agricultural and animal production technologies including training and credit. HACODEFU’s approach is a multi-faceted one, but generally focusing on the services to recipients for their bright future with a series of activities from the production to the point when it reaches the final consumer.

Board of Directors

Current Management Board members are unpaid volunteers who have vast experiences in Public Affairs, Statistics, Accounting, Legal, Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building, Project Management, Education, Health, Democracy and Governance issues.


Gilbert Marava Shanga, PhD, MBA

A public figure, Serial Entrepreneur, Professional Statistician and a Philanthropist. Gilbert  Marava Shanga is the President and CEO of HACODEFU. Gilbert is currently a Director of Biostatistics at GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health Care in Warren New Jersey. He has been with GlaxoSmithKline since November 2005, serving in different capacities including Project and Principal Statistician. Before joining GlaxoSmithKline, he was a Senior Statistician at Unilever between 2004 & 2005 and before that a visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics at Oklahoma State University (2003/2004 Academic year). Gilbert has an MBA degree from Montclair State University (2015) in Montclair New Jersey, a PhD in Statistics from Kansas State University (2003) in Manhattan Kansas, a Master of Science in Statistics & Mathematics from Western Illinois University (1998) in Macomb Illinois and a Bachelor of Science in Statistics & Mathematics from The University of Nairobi (1996) in Nairobi Kenya. Gilbert is a lifetime member of Beta Gamma Sigma "Best in Business" since April 2016. Gilbert currently lives in Mount Olive Township New Jersey with his wife Florence and their children. More details on Dr. Shanga can be accessed from this link personal website.


Henry Mahasi, MA

Henry Mahasi is the Vice President of HACODEFU. Henry is also the chairman of Global Partnership & Development, Monitoring & Evaluation. He is the Rites of Passage Instructor at Imani Circle Charter School in German Town Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2009-present). He is a social worker at North Western Human Services in Broomall PA (2006-present). He is also the chairman of Andimi-Tri-State LLC (2006-present). He has previously worked as (i) International Programs’ Associate at The Balm In Gilead, New York, New York (May 2004 to October 2004) (ii) Programs Assistant Coordinator at Columbia University Institute of African Studies, New York, New York (July 2001 – September 2002). He has a Master of Education (special education) from Cheney University of Pennsylvania (2008) in Cheney Pennsylvania, a Masters of International Affairs (Social, Economic and political development) from Columbia University in New York New York and a Bachelor of arts (in International law and Diplomacy) from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah. Henry currently lives in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with his wife and their one child.


Evans Jumba

Evans a Treasurer of HACODEFU. Evans currently lives in Springfield Massachusetts.

Officials on the Ground

HACODEFU projects and programs in Kenya are coordinated by a dedicated team on the ground. We have registered a Community Based Organization (CBO) called Hamisi Community Based Development Organization (HACODEO) in Kenya. Our President is also a member of HACODEO and a signatory to the local bank account in Kenya. The CBO was registered as a sister organization of HACODEFU to enable soliciting and recommend projects from the locals on the ground to achieve our mission. The officials on the ground in Kenya are:


Logan Khayumbi Busolo

Logan Busolo is the Secretary of HACODEO. Logan is currently a Director for Shieywe Water & Sanitation Program Services (SHIWASAP), a water and sanitation Engineering Consultants group. Logan has worked as a Socio-Economist for the last 25 years. He is also currently serving as the vice chairman of Kakamega Sports Club and one of the top Golfers in the Western region of Kenya. He has previously held positions of Project officer with Kenya-Finland Development Cooperation (Kefinco), Habitat, Community Capacity Development Program (Comcap), SHIWASP and Capacity Building Consultant for World Vision IPA project at Matete. Logan has technical expertise in the following areas; (i) Water & Sanitation Engineering, (ii) Socio-Economic Surveys, Studies and Evaluation (iii) Capacity building for soft and hard ware for both Communities & Institutions (iv) Preparation of technical & financial proposals for project funding (v) Implementation of development projects, reviews, evaluations and appraisals. Logan has prepared 14 project proposals since 2005; of which 10 have been funded to the tune of KES. 80 M (approximately $900,000, US Dollars). These projects are in different implementation stages. Two of the projects are located in Hamisi District in Shaviringa and Banja locations. Logan currently lives in Kakamega Kenya with his wife and three children.


Julia Asige Imbwana

Julia Imbwana is the Treasurer of HACODEO. Julia currently lives in Gisambai, Hamisi, Kenya.


Kennedy Mwashi is the accountant of HACODEO. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from The University of Nairobi, and a C.P.A. (K). He works with Shieywe Water & Sanitation Program Services (SHIWASAP), as a Community Development Officer / Accountant. He is an active member of many community based organizations including, Seremi Community Driven Development Project (Seremi C.D.D.P.) where he is the Secretary. Previously, he worked with Beadon & Sons Ltd. as an Accountant. He has participated in other projects including the 1999 Population and Housing Census as a Supervisor, a Safe Motherhood Program as a Research Assistant, and the 1992 general elections as a polling clerk. He worked as an untrained teacher from 1993 to 1995. Kennedy currently lives in Erusui Village of Seremi Sub-location, Vihiga County, Kenya with his wife and two children where he operates small businesses.

Kennedy Mwashi

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