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Hamisi Community Development Fund, Inc.

High School Scholarship Application Form


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Hamisi is a Sub-County in Vihiga County in Western Kenya.The Sub-County continues to be one of the least developed in Kenya. Families struggle to meet basic needs while confronting obstacles such as, high levels of unemployment, high birth rates, low life expectancy, and increasing natural resource degradation. The region deserves special attention due to its low incomes, unemployment and low standards of education. Most people earn incomes through day labor with low wages, no benefits and no job security. Due to this unemployment and underemployment, most people especially the youth have resorted to "Boda Boda" business which in the local lingo translates to Motorcycle and Bicycle taxi services.


Hamisi Community Development Fund, Inc. (HACODEFU) is a development initiative that strives to empower the disempowered, support equal opportunities among the residents of Hamisi District. The target area of operation of the Fund is exclusively working in Hamisi District. Hacodefu/Hacodeo work with the stakeholders to mainly improve the education standards in Hamisi. One of the main components of improving education standard is awarding scholarships to bright needy students in high school. The scholarship awards are now being extended to University students with first priority going to those that have obtained their education in the HACODEFU scholarships pipeline emanating at High School level.

HACODEFU believes in summoning people to match their talent and labor with small amounts of credit, microenterprise development to meet low-income communities where they are, introducing new opportunities to create work, income and assets, and thereby affirming human worth and dignity.

HACODEFU therefore, was created as the steward of the Hamisi Sub-County Dream for development to cushion the high rate of poverty and underdevelopment in general. The vision embodied in the dream is about living and prospering in a secure, lawful, hopeful, and safe democratic society where resources are well shared. It is a dream that for many years will be protected in large part by the actions and the activities of men and women just like you. The objectives of HACODEFU are aligned with Kenya Vision 2030 development objectives.


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